Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gratitude => Happiness = Happy Thanksgiving

Expressing gratitude makes me feel good.  I feel happier when I'm focused on all the gifts in my life. I've discovered that the more I look for things in my life for which I'm thankful, the more things I find!  The more I give thanks, the happier I am.

Do you think that taking time on a regular basis to express gratitude for your own blessings is something that would help you be happier?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  Use this opportunity of the whole country being focused on giving thanks to set an intention to express your gratitude daily for the next year.  Then see how you feel come next Thanksgiving Day. I have no doubt you will be happier, even if you're already happy.

So, start a gratitude journal where you record 5 things every day for which you are grateful. Or start a ritual of giving thanks before each meal.  Use your daily walk, run or elliptical time to list everything you're grateful for in your mind.  However you choose to implement it, do give thanks daily and notice the difference it makes in your life.

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Laura Allan, MA, LMHC, CPC LinkedIn
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