Friday, August 21, 2009

CBT and Intentions

For a while now I have been working with setting intentions in my life and experiencing them manifesting. I've also used Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) successfully not only in my own life, but with clients. I had recognized for some time the connection between these things, but yesterday it just so happened that I was doing some CBT training and also attended an Intention Circle, so their relationship to one another is very much in my mind.

In addition, yesterday I was also doing some prep work for the Career Enhancement class I will be teaching beginning in September. As I mentioned in a previous entry, taking a similar class was instrumental in my choice of my current career. At that time setting my intention about changing my career also made the end result (my current career) possible.

What I am reminded of every time I attend an Intention Circle (check out in Seattle if you're interested) is how every thought I have is an implicit intention. If I wake up in the morning and think "I hate this rain. It always makes me feel depressed." then guess what -I'm going to be depressed today. In CBT I would then change this thought to a positive thought like "I'm happy to see the rain; the poor plants really need it." and I am setting my intention to enjoy what is rather than be miserable about what is. If I can't change it, why let it affect me negatively?

Which leads to the basic premise of CBT: my thoughts determine my emotions. Many people have heard that we each choose how we feel, but many people either don't believe that or just don't get it. In my next entry I'll talk a little about choosing how we feel and owning our emotions.

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