Thursday, March 25, 2010

Take Your Vitamin D!

You may wonder why a psychotherapist is concerned about your Vitamin D level. Did you know that one of the side effects of a Vitamin D deficiency can be depression?  When I see clients who report feeling down for a period of time, one of the first things I have them do is get there Vitamind D level checked.

As most of you probably know, those of us in the northern latitudes are Vitamin D deprived, since our bodies take in Vitamin D through exposure to sun.  Given the beautiful, sunny day we had yesterday in Seattle, you may be thinking that you're good on the Vitamind D front.  Even though we're heading into spring now, and then summer, we still cannot get the needed amount of Vitamin D purely through exposure to sun.

This is partly because we live so far north.  And, we add to the problem by our use of sunscreen.  Yes, using sunscreen prevents our bodies from properly absorbing Vitamin D.  Let's see, skin cancer vs. Vitamin D's probably wise to use the sunscreen AND take a Vitamin D supplement.

My own naturopath is now prescribing up to 10,000 units per day of Vitamin D supplement for some patients.  That's how much I'm taking myself.  For several years I was taking 2,000 per day, and when I was tested last summer (yes, even in the summer) I was still significantly deficient.

So, the next time you're at your doctor's office, have them test your Vitamin D level, then recommend the appropriate amount for you to take.  It can make a world of difference in how you feel emotionally.

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